Clinics We Offer
General Medical Services
All practices are expected to provide the following essential services:
- Management of patients who are ill or believe themselves to be ill with conditions from which recovery is generally expected, for the duration of that condition including relevant health promotion advice and referral as appropriate, reflecting patient choice wherever practicable.
- Management of chronic disease in the manner determined by the practice in discussion with the patient.
- General management of patients who are terminally ill.
Practices are expected to provide continuous holistic treatment and care for all registered patients.

The practice has the following clinics running throughout the week:
- Antenatal
- Asthma
- Child Health Surveillance
- Diabetes
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Well Woman
- Family Planning
- Immunisation
- Minor Surgery
Please ask at reception for details of these clinics.

Additional Services
- Cervical screening
- Contraceptive services
- Vaccinations and immunisations (non-childhood) *
- Childhood vaccinations and immunisations *
- Child health surveillance
- Maternity services (excluding intra-parturn care)
- Minor surgery procedures such as curettage, cautery, cryocautery of warts and verrucas and other skin lesions.
Any patient over the age of 16 who has been registered with the practice for three years or more, can request a consultation and the practice, without prejudice to its other obligations in respect of that patient, will provide such a consultation. Any patient over the age of 75 can request a consultation and the practice, without prejudice to its other obligations in respect of that patient, will provide such a consultation.